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Showing posts from January, 2022

Is at-home insemination a safe procedure? Why do people opt for at-home insemination?

Individuals and couples who want to conceive without penetrative intercourse and who have no known reproductive difficulties can use insemination at home.      Dr. Sekhon says. “It’s not a straightforward path, and it’s not always easy to find the top… I remember when i was an intern doing my OB/GYN residency and it was difficult at first — it takes expertise to navigate.” What is at-home insemination, and how does it work?         At-home insemination means placing semen or sperm in the vagina by a method other than having sex, usually without the help of a healthcare provider.   Artificial insemination can be done at home in two different ways: Intracervical insemination (ICI), which includes injecting sperm directly into the uterus via a tube that passes through the cervix, as opposed to intercourse . Intrauterine insemination (IUI), which involves injecting sperm directly into the uterus via a tube that passes through the cervix. ...